Sunday, August 7, 2011

Causes Me To Fear . . . ?

We don't fear.

The last few evenings we had an influx of bugs in the apartment.  We have had large beetles, big ugly looking fly-like things, and a few spiders.  My first thought one evening was how I could give both spiders to my little sister.  But, then I remembered she is a few hundred miles away, and I would enjoy continuing to get letters from her.  So, as fun as that would be, we just squished them.  As ecstatic as my own sister would be about getting some spiders (not at all), it made me think a little about how fear can affect us in our lives.

I think most of the fears I had growing up were pretty typical.  And I am sure I could take a lot of time to talk about those things.  Working as a missionary my mind is often thinking about the subjects of fear and faith and the power they have to motivate.  I can see those people who are motivated by faith, and I can see the joy it brings.  I can see those who are driven by their fears, and I can see the sorrow it brings to them in their lives.  While rarely asked exactly like this, people do often have some version of—“Do you fear your church is wrong?”  “Do you fear these things point to the Book of Mormon being false?” “Do you fear you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life?”  The answer is those are things I do not fear. 

I love the promise from the Lord “Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me.” (D&C 50: 41) Why should I fear, when I have the Lord with me?  I know this church is true.  I know Jesus Christ reestablished His church through Joseph Smith in our day.  I know the Book of Mormon is evidence of it.  I know the Book of Mormon is inspired of God.   I know it has changed me into a better person, I know it has brought me closer to Jesus Christ and find strength from Him.  I know I am following Jesus Christ and what He has asked of me. 

I do fear God.  I understand this fear is different than the fear taught above.  I fear God as I love, respect, and honor Him as best I can.  I know He has blessed me for my service as a missionary, I know he blesses me for every good things I do.  I know I am eternally indebted to Him.  I am grateful for His Son Jesus Christ.  I know in coming to Him we find salvation and eternal life.  “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” (Eccl. 12: 13).

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