After being welcomed most cordially to Indiana, I set out to make myself familiar with the area! I don't know about you, but I find it nearly impossible to hold a map in my head. But, if I actually walk to a place, I find I can remember how to get there again, and the more I walk around, the better I am able to use my mental map.
So, the most effective way I have learned to get around is to start walking for a place on the map. Then, I inevitably get lost as I can't keep directions in my head, then I find myself again (usually by asking for directions), and then know how to get there again!
When we feel
lost, there are many ways we can find ourselves again. At church today, the theme in sacrament meeting was on the Atonement. In the end, by coming here to earth, we desired to follow the same path--that path being
Jesus Christ. When we are on
that path, we
find a peace which settles the deepest part of our souls.
As it has been a few days, and I have been exceptionally good with my camera, I have a number of pictures to share with you all! I hope you enjoy them!
This is my room, you probably noticed how neat and tidy it is! And, several days later, I am glad to say it is still this neat!
I learned during a first meeting that I am not able to wear shorts- so I went adventuring! These next few are pictures from the mall in downtown.